Relatable Quotes About Depression To Make You Feel Less Lonely


Quotes about depression give an insight into what it’s like to be living with depression and how depressed people cope with depression. It helps depressed people recognize that others can relate to the way they feel. Knowing you are not alone, gives you the courage to keep fighting to get better.

Here are 15 relatable quotes about depression.


“Depression is loneliness even when you’re in the midst of a thousand people”

Depression can make you feel alone, even when you have so many people around. They could be friends and family, but you may feel like those around you cannot really understand you and your struggles.

“Depression isn’t just a word, it’s a feeling”

Depression is beyond just the word, it’s a feeling that is much more severe than emotions that come and go in response to situations. It’s a serious mental illness that could interfere with a person’s life.


“I sleep not because I’m sleepy but because it’s a way of escape from my pain”

Sleep serves as a temporary escape from pain for depressed people. This may be helpful, but some depressed people may also experience difficulty falling asleep.


“When depressed, there’s a struggle between you and your mind”

Depression can negatively affect the way one thinks, feels, and reacts to life’s events. Negative thinking is one of the features of depression, which causes negative effects on one’s life. And, depressed people may find it difficult to control their thoughts.


“Depression makes you want to get away, not just from the world but also from yourself”

Social withdrawal is another feature of depression. It makes you want to pull away from others. But this only worsens the painful feelings and gives room for more negative thoughts, which could increase the risk of suicide.


“For a moment I thought the depressed version of me was truly me”

A depressed person usually exhibits symptoms that are not their usual self. They don’t enjoy things they used to anymore, they feel exhausted and helpless. A simple daily task like brushing their teeth could seem like a difficult thing to do, and even if they manage to get through the activities of the day, they could still feel worthless.


“Depression has taken our hope”

Depression colours the way depressed people see the world. They look at things from a negative perspective, which causes a feeling of worthlessness and hopelessness.


“My smiles are fake but my depression is real”

Depressed people hide inside themselves, they hide their true feelings from others. And because they feel no one would understand them, they pretend to be normal, but deep down, they are not.

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“I was asked how I made it through depression. I didn’t, I just hid it behind my smiles”

Some depressed people may believe that depression is their new identity and has come to stay. So, instead of getting help, they choose to carry on with their lives, pretending to be okay. They accept their new self and live behind a mask with fake smiles, hiding their pain and struggles.


“They say “you’re not depressed, you’re just sad”. I wish they knew the difference”

There is a difference between sadness and depression. Sadness is a normal reaction to sorrowful situations and can easily go away quickly. Depression, on the other hand, affects your emotions and the way you see yourself and the world around you and can last for a long time.


“It’s one thing to talk about depression, it’s another thing to be depressed”

It can be hard to explain how depression feels to someone who has not experienced it. If you haven’t experienced depression, but know someone experiencing it, try to be supportive and encourage them to get help.


“There’s nothing more Golden than a Golden soul with a Golden depressed heart”

People who are honest and caring could also go through depression. It may be saddening to see good people suffer, but then, unpleasant things happen to everyone irrespective of their personality.


“Depression makes you feel guilty for being happy”

Depression is addictive. For some people, when trying to be happy and have fun, it feels wrong to them. They might develop a fear of happiness or think that they do not deserve to be happy.


“It was a beautiful morning; happiness came then depression followed”

For someone who was comfortable with having little in life. Who later on, got some worldly possessions and found happiness in that, then lost everything, may wish they never had the good things, just for them to lose it. They were okay with the way life was treating them initially, and if things had remained the same way, then maybe their life wouldn’t have become miserable.


“I want to explain how I feel, but words can’t describe my feelings.”

Some depressed people may find it difficult for them to put their feelings into words. They lack the emotional words needed to describe how they feel.

If you found these quotes helpful, you can check out other blog content and self-care steps for coping with depression.


The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is provided for general information only.